Tuesday 3 February 2015


Working for Robert Downey Jr.'s entertainment company, Juan Bruce and Jason Ahmad saw firsthand the growth in online video and Hollywood's struggle to make sense of the new market

The Stanford graduates took a look at what made Internet personalities successful enough to generate millions of views and dollars based on some short-form video uploads.

"What we immediately saw was that the YouTubers that were really successful were embracing a multi-platform approach in engaging their audience and building communities," Bruce, Epoxy's CEO, said. "It wasn't that they were hosting the video on Facebook or Twitter ... but they were building a massive audience on all the other platforms, and it wasn't uncommon to see a YouTuber post two videos in a week but 300 social posts and likes and favorites of fans." Read more...

More about Online Video, Business, Media, and Mcns

from Mashable http://ift.tt/1x6p8SV


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