Tuesday 3 February 2015


Even dogs can dream in their sleep. However, they're not fantasizing about chasing tails and barking at mailmen.

Rufus, a 3-year-old pharaoh hound, is a fun-loving pup when he's out and about, but when he's home, his favorite activity is taking a nice, long nap. "He can be a real couch potato," says his owner, Sara Rehnmark to Mashable.

Rehnmark had always taken silly photos of Rufus, but officially started the photo blog Raising the Ruf with a birthday card that she had made for her father, featuring Rufus as a reindeer. "My family is from Sweden...the land of reindeer, forests, and nature," she says. Read more...

More about Pics, Art, Photography, Dogs, and Cute Animals

from Mashable http://ift.tt/16cV8i0


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