Monday 2 February 2015


The extent to which our personalities determine aspects of our lives and health has increasingly been the subject of research over the last few years. There was the suggestion, for example, that being a morning person or a night owl might reveal a lot about our personality. But scientifically speaking, what do we actually mean by our "personality"?

When you break it down, personality can be defined as a collection of distinct psychological traits which remain fairly constant over time and therefore shape the way we react to the world around us. These traits include extroversion/introversion (how sociable we are), neuroticism (the tendency towards negativity) and conscientiousness (which includes how cautious we are and how carefully we plan). We all know where we fall on these various scales and how it impacts our friendship circle, the way we perform our jobs and even how we cope with adversity — but can it actually affect our health? Read more...

More about Health, Personality, Lifestyle, and Health Fitness

from Mashable


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