Monday 2 February 2015


What a game. What a finish. What a Super Bowl

Drama. Gutty plays. A miraculous finish. Legacies being forged before our very eyes. On one hand, Super Bowl XLIX — full of twists and turns and astounding feats — was a perfect illustration of just why NFL football is America's most popular sport and one so central to the American identity. In many ways, it was perfect

But it was also too perfect in a sense — the storybook ending this most depressing, alienating and abhorrent of NFL seasons did not deserve

In September, the now-infamous Ray Rice video and subsequent spiraling domestic violence scandal peeled back a veneer of glory and heroism that has long since defined the NFL for many fans. Revealed was a multi-billion dollar corporate entity with seemingly no regard for the pain its players all-too-often inflict on loved ones. As the league scrambled to get ahead of the story, it only appeared increasingly cynical and calloused in its responses, which appeared designed more to mollify the public than they to come from a place of authenticity or compassion Read more...

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